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Rocket Bomber - article - metablogging - Last week on twitter - multiple fails

Rocket Bomber - article - metablogging - Last week on twitter - multiple fails

Last week on twitter, multiple fails

filed under , 11 August 2013, 13:29 by

If anything, I spend too much time on twitter (to the detriment of other projects I should be spending the time on) and I probably over-share:

Is every last article I read both insightful and/or funny, and worthy to share? Just because I find a topic fascinating (you know, like the business of retail, or sci-fi anime, or the history of technology) does that mean I get to spam 500 more-or-less random strangers with every link that suits my whim and fancy?

It is also true that when I’m tweeting my own mind (and not just links) I tend to “run at the mouth” and tweet 10 or 20 times in a row, violating the spirit of Twitter’s 140 limit and imposing even further on an uncaring audience.

And of course, Not Every Recipe I Make Needs to Be Liveblogged Via Twitter, and of my many bad habits this is probably the worst (that or, you know, the drinking.)

In college I used to joke that if we did something three times, it becomes a tradition, and if we do it four times that means it’s something we’ve done *forever*. Since many of us (who did go to university) only go there for 4 or 5 years, I suppose that these ‘traditions’ are part of what makes the self-forming communities there, indeed, it may be what part of what defines the community. Otherwise, each annual class of freshmen would be a self-contained phenomenon, and the various clubs would flicker in and out of existence like generations of flies.

So: as this is the fourth link round-up I’ve posted, I guess that means I’ve been doing this *forever*. (You won’t believe me, but yes, the following list was edited and abridged.)


↑… that was my best joke all week. fell flat. my faith in humanity (or at least the fan base) was betrayed.

Small, savvy player in perfect position to disrupt large, complacent establishment co. — “Walmart’s worst nightmare”

Wal-Mart’s New Goal: Sell All the Beer

I didn’t intend to get on a wal-mart-kick today, but that’s what I keep finding in my feeds :

“The article claims that Aldi is so good at selling cheap goods that WalMart couldn’t compete with it in Germany.” :

Follow-up: more on Trader Joe’s – “Its stores sell an estimated $1,750 per square foot, more than double Whole Foods”

OK: so *I* know DC’s response to the Marvel Multiverse was and is Timm/Dini/DC Animation starting in 1992 — kinda/sorta waiting for WB/DC to come to the same realization

[yes, at this point in the exercise I realize that last link is both topical and self-referential]

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Yes, all the links are broken.

On June 1, 2015 (after 6 years and 11 months) I needed to relaunch/restart this blog, or at least rekindle my interest in maintaining and updating it.

Rather than delete and discard the whole thing, I instead moved the blog -- database, cms, files, archives, and all -- to this subdomain. When you encounter broken links (and you will encounter broken links) just change the URL in the address bar from to

I know this is inconvenient, and for that I apologise. In addition to breaking tens of thousands of links, this also adversely affects the blog visibility on search engines -- but that, I'm willing to live with. Between the Wayback Machine at and my own half-hearted preservation efforts (which you are currently reading) I feel nothing has been lost, though you may have to dig a bit harder for it.

As always, thank you for reading. Writing version 1.0 of Rocket Bomber was a blast. For those that would like to follow me on the 2.0 - I'll see you back on the main site.



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