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“The first ‘Star Wars’ movie is very hard to watch because it isn’t very good. The scenes go on too long. R2D2 and C3PO are in the desert forever. After the Millennium Falcon lands on the Death Star and before it escapes, the movie becomes a series of contrived situations from which our heroes must extricate themselves. The trash compactor scene is just Luke yelling ‘3PO!’ over and over.
“The second ‘Star Wars’ is by far the best. The miracle of the ‘Star Wars’ movies is how much better the second one is than the first. One big reason is that the production value is much higher. This makes sense. They got to spend 50% more making it. There are still some props that look like re-purposed trash cans, but hello, imperial walkers.
“In many ways, ‘Empire Strikes Back’ is the movie that invents the ‘Star Wars’ universe. It was the film that got to decide which pieces of the first movie should be emphasized going forward. Winners: The relationship between Han and Leia. The human side of Darth Vader. Losers: Luke’s buddies from Tatooine.”[/blockquote]
Blows it, Yoda does : http://www.businessinsider.com/blows-it-yoda-does-i-watched-the-star-wars-movies-for-the-first-time-in-10-years-and-heres-what-i-learned-2013-10
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