Kickstarter ground rules.
Let me start with a link:
Kickstarter Lesson #77: The 10 Reasons I’ll Back a Kickstarter Project : Jamey Stegmaier, 28 January 2014, Stonemaier Games
click it click it click it click it
…and I’m fairly adamant that you really need to read it because I’m about to shamelessly rip off most of the content of that post
Not all of it, and once again — go read the original for context — but damn if Jamey didn’t nail it and I find little to add to his list.
Here’s the edited version:
1. & 2. Art and Design
3. Value: “…make me an offer I can’t refuse”
4. Engagement: “I need to know that you are an active participant in your own project.”
5. Uniqueness
6. Competence: “I need to trust that you know how to deliver on your offer.”
7. Passion: “I need to believe in you, the project creator.”
8. Generosity: “I need to see that this isn’t all about you. You can show me this by backing other projects, by not constantly asking backers to do things for you, and by demonstrating on blogs and podcasts that you’re not there to promote your product, but rather to add value to other people’s lives.” [note: wanted to quote that one verbatim. —M.]
9. Quality: “I need to see that you have a quality product by hearing what third-party reviewers have to say… In fact, I even just need to see that you had the foresight and courage to put your product in a third-party reviewer’s hands—they don’t have to love it for me to want it.”
10. Pliability: “I need to see that you are somewhere between 90 and 99% percent finished designing your product…but not 100%. 100% to me is [just] a pre-order system.”
Damn fine list. Put me down as a co-signer.