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Rocket Bomber - linking to other people's stuff

Rocket Bomber - linking to other people's stuff

Are we still talking about this? Yes. Yes, we are:

filed under , 27 October 2013, 22:07 by

“Such is the case with the media’s renewed obsession with reports that the Japanese have given up on sex. This canard emerges every couple of years, but it’s snowballing anew thanks to an Oct. 19 Guardian headline screaming: ‘Why Have Young People in Japan Stopped Having Sex?’ The references to dominatrixes-turned-sex counselors, men who get excited by robots, virtual-reality girlfriends and the demise of the Japanese people proved too much for Internet jockeys to resist.

“Editors, too. The Guardian’s piece was followed by the Huffington Post quoting a documentary filmmaker who asserted, dubiously, that ‘it’s a strange thing that can only happen in Japan.’ The Japanese are really, really weird, you know, and this celibacy bubble that imperils the future must reflect their peculiar culture. Follow-ups are rolling in from the Washington Post, Slate, Time and all over the Twittersphere.

“Let me offer my own two yen. The root of Japan’s supposed sex drought isn’t culture, but economics.” [/blockquote]

The Lust Beneath Japan’s Sex Drought :

"In many ways, Empire Strikes Back is the movie that invents the Star Wars universe."

filed under , 27 October 2013, 16:45 by

“The first ‘Star Wars’ movie is very hard to watch because it isn’t very good. The scenes go on too long. R2D2 and C3PO are in the desert forever. After the Millennium Falcon lands on the Death Star and before it escapes, the movie becomes a series of contrived situations from which our heroes must extricate themselves. The trash compactor scene is just Luke yelling ‘3PO!’ over and over.

“The second ‘Star Wars’ is by far the best. The miracle of the ‘Star Wars’ movies is how much better the second one is than the first. One big reason is that the production value is much higher. This makes sense. They got to spend 50% more making it. There are still some props that look like re-purposed trash cans, but hello, imperial walkers.

“In many ways, ‘Empire Strikes Back’ is the movie that invents the ‘Star Wars’ universe. It was the film that got to decide which pieces of the first movie should be emphasized going forward. Winners: The relationship between Han and Leia. The human side of Darth Vader. Losers: Luke’s buddies from Tatooine.”[/blockquote]

Blows it, Yoda does :

This Week On Twitter, An Origin Story

filed under , 21 July 2013, 11:41 by

For those who weren’t already aware, I spend entirely too much time on twitter.

(You, too can follow me, if you dare, at (Why ‘professor’, you ask? My name was taken, my first-initial-last-name was taken, ‘rocketbomber’ — obvious, right? — was taken, ‘beerdisposalunit’ was taken, so like so many of us in the modern age: I had to get creative.) (Of course I’m a professor — that’s what they call people who go to university for more than seven years, right?)

While I often posts rants about work on twitter (or other drunken commentary) for the most part I use the twitter platform to share links. Sharing in real time, more or less; I read something, I tweet the link.

This behavior is fine. (nothing out of the ordinary) But I’ve found that the time on twitter takes away from time spent reading books, watching DVDs, and time spent writing. Still, the investment of time can hardly be considered wasted so long as I’m enjoying myself, and if I can repurpose the tweets into, say, a weekly roundup of links to be posted to the blog…

And so, a new weekly feature. I think this will post noonish on Sundays.

[and no: not every tweet. But most if not all of the links]


That’s it for this week. Is this a worthwhile exercise? tell me in the comments …↓

Caption this photo:

filed under , 17 June 2010, 16:48 by

“Sorry kids; I haven’t been here in a while… back in my day this place was all porn theatres, strip clubs, and hookers as far as the eye could see.”

Note: not really a caption contest. I just wanted to post that.

I was very skeptical about a smurfs movie, and even moreso when I heard it was a live-action/CGI mix. BUT:

Neil Patrick Harris and Hank Azaria are two of the live-action actors; Jonathan Winters, Alan Cumming, George Lopez, Fred Armisen, John Oliver, Paul Reubens, & Wolfgang puckin’ Puck, among others, are voicing various smurfs.

Still don’t know if I’m going to see it, but damn, they have my interest now.

Rethinking the Box: linking to other people's stuff

filed under , 9 May 2010, 11:00 by

I’m turning over the soapbox this week, not because I ran out of things to say [I can always rant about customers] but because there are a few links clogging up my drafts file and I thought it might be better to propogate them, rather than have them collect dust until they might be useful.

[for a full index of ‘rethinking the box’ posts, see the most recent one, Sales vs Service]


Most recently was Tom Spurgeon’s conversation with Brian Hibbs over at The Comics Reporter

Among other observations:

“Specifically, what I would really say is that it’s a real lack of understanding in the retail base that alt-comics aren’t just a sell-this-month or even a sell-this-week kind of a deal. That alt-comics for the most part tend to sell continually over the years. I still have every single issue of Optic Nerve sitting on my shelf, including number one that came out 15 years ago. I still stock it because I sell enough copies to justify that rack space. I have every issue that’s in print and available from Diamond of Love and Rockets Vol. 2 on myself. I don’t have Volume One because it’s easier to sell the single book. If I could have the last ten issues of Eightball and the last ten issues of Hate on my wall, I would.”


McSweeney’s Issue #33 was an actual newspaper, featuring news of the day, comics [indy comics!], sports & arts coverage, and of course, a book review section.

Not necessarily buried, but tucked away, in the Book section was this neat little sidebar, thankfully reproduced in the May/June issue of the Utne Reader [and posted to their website, click the link] and also represented (with commentary, & alongside a number of other photographic snippets from the SF Panorama) at Steve Rhodes’s flickr account

So You Want To Open A Bookstore featured figures from Annie Danger of Modern Times Bookstore in San Francisco. “Modern Times is a medium-sized independent bookstore—about 3,700 square feet, and with five part-time staffers.”

So, a small storefront bookstore with six booksellers (I’m guessing Danger didn’t count herself as part of the ‘part time’ staff) can be run with monthly operating costs of $56-57K — more than half of which is the cost of new inventory, and which dates back to November? of last year.

We could parse the numbers to figure out Modern Times rent-per-square-foot (~$20/sq.ft., actually) or the wages offered to employees (you can ball-park it, but there are too many unknowns) but that would be unfair. All bookselling is local, and while it is nice (abso-freaking lovely) to see someone else’s numbers, it doesn’t affect my expenses or the differences between our two stores and markets.

Still, very much worth a read


Questions abound around Google’s e-bookstore initiative, and Ian Paul at PC World rounds up five


This guy gets a book deal, and I don’t. Thems the breaks, I guess. I must not be snarky enough. Oh, and I write essays, instead of posting pics-and-a-gag or stuff other people write for me — my loss, twice over.


…almost on cue: oh, look, A Survival Guide to Managing Employees from Hell: Handling Idiots, Whiners, Slackers, And Other Workplace Demons (isbn 9780814474082) is one of five titles recommended to retail managers by Shari Waters, retail blogger for I need to read at least 3 of these. (Yes, even with my experience, I’m still looking for input on how to do the job better) – Waters also posted a list 10 books on how to get started in retail


How valuable are my columns on retail? Well, of course, value is subjective, but at least one firm wants to charge you $1,150 for stuff you can find on Google in a single weekend. [that, and by looking at primary sources, you can do you own analysis] — $1000 seems a bit steep, and their description of the doc is more than a little… dry. Could be any industry.

One thing I can promise: Mean spirited, condescending, self-righteous, occasionally funny (but not as often as I think I’m being “funny”), and grounded in reality — but never dry. Even when I’m numbers-heavy, I try to tell you what the numbers mean. And I’m not charging anything for it, let alone $1000.

I’ll take a book deal if anyone cares to offer one, though.

Fan Service?

filed under , 12 April 2010, 12:30 by


High School Students? Check.
Plaid Skirts? Check.
After-school Club? Check.
Panty Shot? Check and check.

Ah, yes, let’s look at this latest anime promo art:

Rolling Stone "Glee" Cover

Special bonus: Teacher in a track suit. (no shinai, though)

Go. Read. Stephen Bissette on the New Comics Era.

filed under , 29 March 2010, 14:27 by

Not every blog is as easy to navigate and link to as, say, [*cough*] but this shouldn’t be an impediment when the articles themselves *must* be read.

A recent link from Dirk (¡Journalista! at The Comics Journal) pointed me toward the 10th and 11th instalments of Stephen Bissette’s excellent series “Forgotten Comics Wars, Or: How Angry Freelancers Made It Possible for A New Mainstream Comics Era (Including Vertigo) to Exist”

If you’ve missed this up until now (like I had) — You Need To Read This.

and to make it easier, I’m going to spoon-feed you the links:

Part 0 : Part 1 : Part 2 : Part 3 : Part 4 : Part 5 : Part 6 : Part 7 : Part 8 : Part 9 : Part 10 : Part 11

…and more is promised. This puts my rather pitiful attempts to chronicle fandom to shame, and for me is also an education into comics that I, as a manga-fan, sorely needed.


filed under , 2 February 2010, 20:10 by

@ProfessorBlind Chipped in $25 #cash_for_robot to help a worthy cause – encourage you to do the same.

The Other Shoe: Borders partners with Indigo's Shortcovers for E-Books

filed under , 15 December 2009, 20:59 by

I don’t have a whole lot of commentary, considering I just read the article myself. But Kobo née Shortcovers claims 2 million titles, supports open standards, is device agnostic, and the crafty Canadians have had 10 months lead time to build up their back-end and launch their e-reader apps for a variety of smartphones (and through the kind offices of Adobe, for a number of other devices) (*cough* including the nook. How’s that taste, B&N?).

The press release says 2nd quarter 2010, though, and for retail (most retailers use a fiscal year that starts in February) that means May at the earliest, and more likely July. So a late start… but maybe six months is enough time for B&N to fix the bugs in the nook, for Sony to sell a few more e-readers, for the media to beat the whole e-book thing into the ground, and for the folks who own a nook, kindle, or sony to start asking the question: where can I get the cheapest book, without DRM?

Still and all: Borders now has a horse in this race.

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Yes, all the links are broken.

On June 1, 2015 (after 6 years and 11 months) I needed to relaunch/restart this blog, or at least rekindle my interest in maintaining and updating it.

Rather than delete and discard the whole thing, I instead moved the blog -- database, cms, files, archives, and all -- to this subdomain. When you encounter broken links (and you will encounter broken links) just change the URL in the address bar from to

I know this is inconvenient, and for that I apologise. In addition to breaking tens of thousands of links, this also adversely affects the blog visibility on search engines -- but that, I'm willing to live with. Between the Wayback Machine at and my own half-hearted preservation efforts (which you are currently reading) I feel nothing has been lost, though you may have to dig a bit harder for it.

As always, thank you for reading. Writing version 1.0 of Rocket Bomber was a blast. For those that would like to follow me on the 2.0 - I'll see you back on the main site.



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RocketBomber is a publication of Matt Blind, some rights reserved: unless otherwise noted in the post, all articles are non-commercial CC licensed (please link back, and also allow others to use the same data where applicable).